- Customized Dietary Assessment
- 88 Known Antigens
- Complete Gut Heath Assessment
- Individualized Approach
- Tested in the USA
- Assists with Gut Heath
Congratulations! You’ve taken the 1st step to gut health and a better life by taking the P88-
DIY Antigen Test from Precision Point Diagnostics. Your decision to initiate a “gut check”
may just be one of the most important steps you can take to regain control of your health by
knowing how your gut reacts to the world of food you consume. How you react to foods,
whether you are just sensitive or allergic, has an impact on more than just your gut.
Food sensitivities and allergies are often at the root of inflammation in the gut, and this
inflammation can cause a host of problems with your digestive system that might be
obvious, like bloating, discomfort, loose stool, cramping, and urgency to use the bathroom.
These symptoms might be signs that you are on the path to, or have already developed
larger gut problems, like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, Celiac Disease,
Ulcerative Colitis, and Diverticulitis. Many of these problems are auto-immune in nature,
and a number of foods can trigger or worsen them. You don’t have to have a full-blown
autoimmune condition to suffer from food sensitivities and allergies, though. You may very
well be on track to have some of these same gut symptoms just by your previously
unknowing exposure to foods that bother you.
These foods can cause inflammation, that inflammation can loosen the tight junctions in the
gut, causing “leaky gut” and these symptoms can beset you. What’s worse, is that this
inflammation in the gut is the key to inflammation throughout the body and can very much
affect how you feel mentally as well. There is a well documented gut-brain connection, and
problems with the gut can cause you to feel a lack of energy, have “brain fog”, decrease
motivation, a lack of clear thought and memory, or just feel rundown. This awareness of
how overall inflammation can affect virtually every system of the body, and the fact that the
gut behaves almost like a “second brain” is why the P88 food antigen tests measure more
than just simple IgE reactions. Although these are probably the most familiar of most
allergies, the sort where you react with hives or a swollen throat very shortly after being
exposed to something that you are allergic to, it is the reaction to IgG and C3d, that
develops as much as days later, that may be may be more difficult to pinpoint the source
for, and that causes much of the more systemic inflammation and brain effects.