- Supports Detoxification of Environmental Toxins and Pollutants
- Fights Inflammation
- Helps Break down Mucus
- Supports Liver and Kidney Health
- Supports Natural Antioxidant Activity Throughout the Body
- Increases Circulating Levels of Glutathione
- Supports Healthy Respiratory Function
- Supports Eye Health
- Supports Overall Health and Well-Being
Everyday we are exposed to environment stressors to our body such as pollution, heavy metals, chemicals in the food we eat, etc. Healthy detoxification is essential for overall health and vitality. NAC which stands for N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine is a source of the amino acid L-cysteine that is critical to support the body with the elimination of toxins during a period of detoxification. NAC also provides antioxidant support to minimize the damaging effects of free radicals emitted as toxic matter is removed from the body.
N-Acetyl-l-Cysteine is a supplement that many people have never heard of but it is an important source of amino acid that assists in the detoxification process. It helps your body produce glutathione which eliminates free radical and other toxic substances from the body. Glutathione is a molecule produced naturally in the body that is a combination of the amino acids: cysteine, glycine, and glutamine. Its known to have a sulphur element that is a sticky consistency that grabs on to bad stuff in your body that need to be eliminated.
If you suffer from respiratory infections, NAC is a great component to add to your healing regiment. It keeps your lungs healthy by breaking down mucus to evacuate it from your system. Again, it does this by boosting the glutathione in your body which helps eliminate these bad substances causing the infections.
Progressive Nutracare’s NAC is a physician grade formula that is backed by scientific research. It is a professional strength dose to better serve your bodies needs of detoxification. Our formula is free of gmo’s, allergens, and harmful fillers so you know you are getting the safest form of n-acetyl-l-cysteine.
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NAC is a nutritional supplement intended to support detoxification and antioxidant activity in the body.
NAC is for individuals with are entering into a detoxification protocol or those who have had exposure to environmental stressors such as heavy metals or pollution as well as someone with a chronic illness or infection. NAC can also prevent damage to or help to repair the liver and kidneys.
NAC is intended to take 1 or 2 capsules twice daily between meals or as directed by your healthcare practitioners. Best results will come by combining NAC with a comprehensive detoxification protocol and a clean diet that includes high quality proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fiber. This combination provides micronutrients that further support active phases of detoxification as well as energy production, amino acid availability and elimination.