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Thyroid 101

Thyroid 101 0

The thyroid is a gland that sits in front of the throat and controls all of the metabolic functions of the body. The thyroid produces a variety of hormones that act as communicators and regulators for the metabolic system. Virtually every part of the body is affected by the thyroid, so it is important for the correct amount of these hormones to be produced in order to feel healthy. 
Thyroid Health: What You Need to Know- Rethink My Health Podcast Episode 3

Thyroid Health: What You Need to Know- Rethink My Health Podcast Episode 3 0

On today’s episode of Rethink my Health, Dr. Agolli and Dr. Burdette will be talking about Thyroid function and will be discussing top nutritional strategies for supporting the thyroid. The team will go over hallmark symptoms of underactive thyroid function. You will learn the difference between clinical and subclinical hypothyroidism and that “in-range” numbers may still present with hypothyroid symptoms. You will learn about thyroid hormones and clinical tests your provider may be using to diagnose thyroid function.
Iodine- the Overlooked Element in Health

Iodine- the Overlooked Element in Health 0

Everyone has heard of Iodine and surely has seen the containers of iodized salt for sale at the supermarket or on your pantry shelf. The fact that standard table salt is iodized is for a reason- Iodine is essential to your health, and getting enough is essential for thyroid health, helping avoid cysts, fetal development, and mental development in childhood.