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Combating Chronic Inflammation

Combating Chronic Inflammation 0

Controlling Inflammation has come to be seen as integral to maintaining health. Over half the people who die do so from a chronic inflammatory condition, Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, infections, autoimmune diseases and many other potentially terminal conditions involve inflammation- either as the primary or contributing cause of death. Beyond terminal conditions, inflammation can cause nearly untraceable silent suffering as it causes a myriad of symptoms that can be hard to trace but that can dominate a person’s life. So what is inflammation exactly, and why is it so perfidious? How do we control it?
Digestion Problems? Look to the Pancreas as Well

Digestion Problems? Look to the Pancreas as Well 0

Having problems digesting? Do some foods pass right through you? Do you have loose stools or conversely are constipated? Feel bloated or have gut cramps? Feel weak, listless, or out of energy? These symptoms could all potentially point to a problem with digestion or absorption. An often overlooked factor is the state of the pancreas. 
Need Energy? Last, Don’t Crash- The World of Adaptogens

Need Energy? Last, Don’t Crash- The World of Adaptogens 0

Adaptogens are substances derived from plants that can “non-specifically enhance the human body”. These substances come from a range of plants, with the most important being Panax Ginseng and others in the Ginseng family including Eleuthero, Schisandra, Ashwagandha, Holy Basil, and Rhodiola. These plants have been utilized by numerous cultures to combat the effects of stress, anxiety, and fatigue- particularly when those effects seem to be generalized and not from one specific event. Likewise, a hallmark of these adaptogens is that they work as general mood enhancers, stress relievers, and energy boosters, sometimes through many different pathways.
Gut Issues? Your Bones May Be Affected

Gut Issues? Your Bones May Be Affected 0

The Progressive Nutracare K2-D3 formula represents an all inclusive, fat soluble, supplement delivering therapeutic doses of vitamins K2 and D3. The “sunshine vitamin”, vitamin D plays a role in over 200 metabolic processes, with its most crucial being its involvement in supporting your immune system and in helping the body absorb calcium. Our formula is designed to maximize absorption through a fat soluble delivery mechanism which is  ideal for absorption through the intestinal environment.
Vitamin D Deficiency- You May Be More At Risk Than You Think!

Vitamin D Deficiency- You May Be More At Risk Than You Think! 0

Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin” because our body makes the vitamin when exposed to UV light. It’s critical to support bone health and the immune system. Since Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin, don’t we get enough of the vitamin from the sun? What about from food? Unfortunately, probably not. With concern for skin cancer rising, and our busy lives meaning we may not spend as much time outdoors, many of us don’t get enough sun exposure to create enough vitamin D, and many people have problems absorbing enough through food as well.
Grapefruit Seed Extract- a Promising Product

Grapefruit Seed Extract- a Promising Product 0

Grapefruit seed extract has been used safely for years as a natural preservative in the food and cosmetics industry because of its ant-microbial and antifungal properties. Those industries have often chosen this product as the most potent of the citrus products, indeed of any natural product, for this purpose. Its properties as a biocide were discovered by American immunologist Jacob Harich in 1980, first for its use as an antifungal against Candida albicans. Since then, its properties as an ant-fungal and antimicrobial has been touted, as a topical treatment for funguses, a nasal and mouth wash for sinus and mouth infections, and internally for Candida and other infections of the gut.